# ex3A05.py # Audio vector from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=5) add(r""" instr 1 aSine oscils 1, 2205, 0 kVec1 vaget 0, aSine kVec2 vaget 1, aSine kVec3 vaget 2, aSine kVec4 vaget 3, aSine kVec5 vaget 4, aSine printks "kVec1 = %f, kVec2 = %f, kVec3 = %f, kVec4 = %f, kVec5 = %f\n",\ 0, kVec1, kVec2, kVec3, kVec4, kVec5 endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 [1/2205]") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
Friday, July 21, 2017
ex3A05. Audio Vector
ex3A04. Performance pass no increment
# ex3A04.py # Performance pass no increment from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=4410) add(""" instr 1 kcount = 0; sets kcount to 0 at each k-cycle kcount = kcount + 1; does not really increase ... printk 0, kcount; print the value endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 1") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex3A03. Performance pass increment listen
# ex3A03.py # Performance pass increment listen from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=441) add(""" ;build a table containing a sine wave giSine ftgen 0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1 """) add(""" instr Rise kFreq init 100 aSine poscil .2, kFreq, giSine outs aSine, aSine ;increment frequency by 10 Hz for each k-cycle kFreq = kFreq + 10 ;print out the frequency for the last k-cycle kLast release if kLast == 1 then printk 0, kFreq endif endin instr Partials ;initialize kCount kCount init 100 ;get new frequency if kCount equals 100, 200, ... if kCount % 100 == 0 then kFreq = kCount endif aSine poscil .2, kFreq, giSine outs aSine, aSine ;increment kCount kCount = kCount + 1 ;print out kFreq whenever it has changed printk2 kFreq endin """) tags(2) add(""" i "Rise" 0 3 i "Partials" 4 31 """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
Output (Spectrograph view):
ex3A02. Performance pass increment
# ex3A02.py # Performance pass increment from moduleCsound import * tags(1) # Each k-time is 0.1 sec header(ksmps=4410) add(""" instr 1 kCount init 0; set kcount to 0 first kCount = kCount + 1; increase at each k-pass printk 0, kCount; print the value endin """) tags(2) # There are 10 k-passes in 1 sec add("i 1 0 1") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex3A01. Initialization pass
# ex3A01.py # Initialization pass from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # global add("giGlobal = 1/2") # instruments add(""" instr 1 iLocal = 1/4 print giGlobal, iLocal endin instr 2 iLocal = 1/5 print giGlobal, iLocal endin """) tags(2) # Only Initialization of instr 1 and instr 2 add(""" i 1 0 0 i 2 0 0 """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
Thursday, July 13, 2017
ex2E02. Record Realtime
# ex2E02.py # Record RealTime from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-odac") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add("seed 0 ;each time different seed for random") add(""" instr 1 kFreq randomi 400, 800, 1 ;random sliding frequency aSig poscil .2, kFreq ;sine with this frequency kPan randomi 0, 1, 1 ;random panning aL, aR pan2 aSig, kPan ;stereo output signal outs aL, aR ;live output fout "live_record.wav", 18, aL, aR ;write to soundfile endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 10") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex2E01. Render
Because we give a filename from the command prompt, it will take greater precedence than the one in CsOptions.
# ex2E01.py # Render from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-o Render.wav") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32, nch=1) add(""" instr 1 aSin poscil 0dbfs/4, 440 out aSin endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 1") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex2D02. Live Input
# ex2D02.py # Live Input from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-iadc -odac -B512 -b128") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add(""" instr 1 aIn inch 1 ;take input from channel 1 kInLev downsamp aIn ;convert audio input to control signal printk .2, abs(kInLev) ;make modulator frequency oscillate 200 to 1000 Hz kModFreq poscil 400, 1/2 kModFreq = kModFreq+600 aMod poscil 1, kModFreq ;modulator signal aRM = aIn * aMod ;ring modulation outch 1, aRM, 2, aRM ;output to channel 1 and 2 endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 3600") tags(3) writeRun(__file__, False)
ex2D01. Get Device List
# ex2D01.py # Get Device List from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-iadc999 -odac999") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add(""" instr 1 endin """) tags(2) tags(3) writeRun(__file__, False)
ex2C03. Midi All In
# ex2C03.py # Midi All In from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-+rtmidi=virtual -Ma -odac") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add(""" instr 1 kStatus, kChan, kData1, kData2 midiin if kStatus != 0 then ;print if any new MIDI message has been received printk 0, kStatus printk 0, kChan printk 0, kData1 printk 0, kData2 endif endin """) tags(2) add("i1 0 3600") tags(3) writeRun(__file__, False)
ex2C02. Midi Controller In
# ex2C02.py # Midi Controller In from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-+rtmidi=virtual -M1 -odac") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add(""" instr 1 ; --- receive controller number 1 on channel 1 and scale from 220 to 440 kFreq ctrl7 1, 1, 220, 440 ; --- use this value as varying frequency for a sine wave aOut poscil 0.2, kFreq outs aOut, aOut endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 60") tags(3) writeRun(__file__, False)
ex2C01. Midi Keyboard In
A MIDI Keyboard can be read acting as score for instrument 1. Note I have changed writeRun to change run parameter to False. This will only create csound .csd file.
# ex2C01.py # Midi Keyboard In from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add("-+rtmidi=portmidi -Ma -odac") add(stopOpt) add(startIns) header(ksmps=32) add("massign 0, 1 ;assign all MIDI channels to instrument 1") add(""" instr 1 iCps cpsmidi ;get the frequency from the key pressed iAmp ampmidi 0dbfs * 0.3 ;get the amplitude aOut poscil iAmp, iCps ;generate a sine tone outs aOut, aOut ;write it to the output endin """) tags(2) tags(3) writeRun(__file__, False)
ex2B01. Document Structure
# ex2B01.py # Document Structure from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32, nch=1) # --- instrument (440 Hz sig of 1 sec dur at 0.25 amp) add(""" instr 1 ; a 440 Hz Sine Wave aSin poscil 0dbfs/4, 440 out aSin endin """) tags(2) add("i 1 0 1") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
Output: (spectrograph view with setting of 8192 points, Blackmann-Harris window, and showing frequencies from 0 to 1000.
The reason for the lines at end is because it can not determine frequency there.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
ex2A02. Hello Cabbage
This example requires the csound frontend called Cabbage be installed.
# ex2A02.py # Hello Cabbage from moduleCsound import * add(""" <Cabbage> form size(420,100) keyboard bounds(10,10,300,80) rslider bounds(325,15,80,80), channel("level"), text("Level"), range(0,1,0.3) </Cabbage> """) tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- instrument add(""" instr 1 icps cpsmidi klev chnget "level" a1 poscil klev*0.2,icps outs a1,a1 endin """) add(stopIns, stopSyn) writeRun(__file__)
ex2A01. Hello World
# ex2A01.py # Hello World from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32, nch=1) # --- instrument add(""" instr 1 aSin poscil 0dbfs/4, 440 out aSin endin """) tags(2) # --- score add("i 1 0 1") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D13. Simple Algorithmic Note Generator
# ex1D13.py # Simple Algorithmic Note Generator from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32, nch=1) # --- global # GEN 17 - x,y pairs (-17 not normalized) # Both tables of size 100 (- since not power of 2) add(""" giNotes ftgen 0,0,-100,-17,0,48, 15,53, 30,55, 40,60, 50,63, 60,65, 79,67, 85,70, 90,72, 96,75 giDurs ftgen 0,0,-100,-17,0,2, 30,0.5, 75,1, 90,1.5 """) # --- instruments # instr 1 triggers instr 2 add(""" instr 1 kDur init 0.5 ; initial rhythmic duration kTrig metro 2/kDur ; metronome freq. 2 times inverse of duration kNdx trandom kTrig,0,1 ; create a random index upon each metro 'click' kDur table kNdx,giDurs,1 ; read a note duration value schedkwhen kTrig,0,0,2,0,1 ; trigger a note! endin instr 2 iNote table rnd(1),giNotes,1 ; read a random value from the function table aEnv linsegr 0, 0.005, 1, p3-0.105, 1, 0.1, 0 ; amplitude envelope iPlk random 0.1, 0.3 ; point at which to pluck the string iDtn random -0.05, 0.05 ; random detune aSig wgpluck2 0.98, 0.2, cpsmidinn(iNote+iDtn), iPlk, 0.06 out aSig * aEnv endin """) tags(2) # --- score add(""" i 1 0 300 ; start 3 long notes close after one another i 1 0.01 300 i 1 0.02 300 """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex12D_1. Humanising (Without reseting clock)
We can remove the b statement from the score by creating a new placeholder {} in the string for start time, thus format requires 2 values now.
# ex1D12_1.py # Humanising (Without reseting clock) from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- global add("giWave ftgen 0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1,0,1/4,0,1/16,0,1/64,0,1/256,0,1/1024") # --- instruments add(""" instr 1 ; an instrument with no 'humanising' inote = p4 aEnv linen 0.1,0.01,p3,0.01 aSig poscil aEnv,cpsmidinn(inote),giWave outs aSig,aSig endin instr 2 ; an instrument with 'humanising' inote = p4 ; generate some i-time 'static' random paramters iRndAmp random -3,3 ; amp. will be offset by a random number of decibels iRndNte random -5,5 ; note will be offset by a random number of cents ; generate some k-rate random functions kAmpWob rspline -1,1,1,10 ; amplitude 'wobble' (in decibels) kNteWob rspline -5,5,0.3,10 ; note 'wobble' (in cents) ; calculate final note function (in CPS) kcps = cpsmidinn(inote+(iRndNte*0.01)+(kNteWob*0.01)) ; amplitude envelope (randomisation of attack time) aEnv linen 0.1*ampdb(iRndAmp+kAmpWob),0.01+rnd(0.03),p3,0.01 aSig poscil aEnv,kcps,giWave outs aSig,aSig endin """) tags(2) scr = """ i {} {} 1 60 i . + 2.5 69 i . + 0.5 67 i . + 0.5 65 i . + 0.5 64 i . + 3 62 i . + 1 62 i . + 2.5 70 i . + 0.5 69 i . + 0.5 67 i . + 0.5 65 i . + 3 64 """ add("t 0 80") add(scr.format(1, 0)) add(scr.format(2, 17)) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D12. Humanising
Here instrument 1 and instrument 2 is run with same frequencies. But with instrument 2, we add random values for envelope parameters. Rather than using csound macros I use a python string, with placeholder {}. There is also a tempo string and a reset clock; this due to fact that we use same times for second. Of course we could just have added {} for the start time, and added a format variable.
Python is a much better language at string manipulation than csound. It is better to use Python to write scores and only use csound opcodes for instruments. Also Python is much easier to debug.
# ex1D12.py # Humanising from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- global add("giWave ftgen 0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1,0,1/4,0,1/16,0,1/64,0,1/256,0,1/1024") # --- instruments add(""" instr 1 ; an instrument with no 'humanising' inote = p4 aEnv linen 0.1,0.01,p3,0.01 aSig poscil aEnv,cpsmidinn(inote),giWave outs aSig,aSig endin instr 2 ; an instrument with 'humanising' inote = p4 ; generate some i-time 'static' random paramters iRndAmp random -3,3 ; amp. will be offset by a random number of decibels iRndNte random -5,5 ; note will be offset by a random number of cents ; generate some k-rate random functions kAmpWob rspline -1,1,1,10 ; amplitude 'wobble' (in decibels) kNteWob rspline -5,5,0.3,10 ; note 'wobble' (in cents) ; calculate final note function (in CPS) kcps = cpsmidinn(inote+(iRndNte*0.01)+(kNteWob*0.01)) ; amplitude envelope (randomisation of attack time) aEnv linen 0.1*ampdb(iRndAmp+kAmpWob),0.01+rnd(0.03),p3,0.01 aSig poscil aEnv,kcps,giWave outs aSig,aSig endin """) tags(2) scr = """ i {} 0 1 60 i . + 2.5 69 i . + 0.5 67 i . + 0.5 65 i . + 0.5 64 i . + 3 62 i . + 1 62 i . + 2.5 70 i . + 0.5 69 i . + 0.5 67 i . + 0.5 65 i . + 3 64 """ add("t 0 80") add(scr.format(1)) add("b 17") add(scr.format(2)) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D11. Random Walk2
# ex1D11.py # Random Walk2 from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=128,nch=1) # --- instruments add(""" ; random frequency instr 1 kx random -p6, p6 kfreq = p5*2^kx aout oscil p4, kfreq, 1 out aout endin ; random change of frequency instr 2 kx init .5 kfreq = p5*2^kx kv random -p6, p6 kv = kv*(1 - p7) kx = kx + kv aout oscil p4, kfreq, 1 out aout endin ; random change of change of frequency instr 3 kv init 0 kx init .5 kfreq = p5*2^kx ka random -p7, p7 kv = kv + ka kv = kv*(1 - p8) kx = kx + kv kv = (kx < -p6 || kx > p6?-kv : kv) aout oscili p4, kfreq, 1 out aout endin """) tags(2) # --- score add(""" f1 0 32768 10 1 ; i1 p4 p5 p6 ; i2 p4 p5 p6 p7 ; amp c_fr rand damp ; i2 0 20 .1 600 0.01 0.001 ; amp c_fr d_fr rand damp ; amp c_fr rand ; i1 0 20 .1 600 0.5 ; i3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 i3 0 20 .1 600 1 0.001 0.001 """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D10. Rejection Sampling
# ex1D10.py # Rejection Sampling from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(nch=1) # --- user defined opcodes add(""" ; random number generator to a given density function ; kout random number; k_minimum,k_maximum,i_fn for a density function opcode rand_density, k, kki kmin,kmax,ifn xin loop: krnd1 random 0,1 krnd2 random 0,1 k2 table krnd1,ifn,1 if krnd2 > k2 kgoto loop xout kmin+krnd1*(kmax-kmin) endop ; random number generator to a given probability function ; kout random number ; in: i_nr number of possible values ; i_fn1 function for random values ; i_fn2 probability functionExponential: Generate a uniformly distributed number between 0 and 1 and take its natural logarithm. opcode rand_probability, k, iii inr,ifn1,ifn2 xin loop: krnd1 random 0,inr krnd2 random 0,1 k2 table int(krnd1),ifn2,0 if krnd2 > k2 kgoto loop kout table krnd1,ifn1,0 xout kout endop """) # --- instruments add(""" instr 1 krnd rand_density 400,800,2 aout poscil .1,krnd,1 out aout endin instr 2 krnd rand_probability p4,p5,p6 aout poscil .1,krnd,1 out aout endin """) tags(2) # --- tables add(""" ;sine f1 0 32768 10 1 ;density function f2 0 1024 6 1 112 0 800 0 112 1 ;random values and their relative probability (two dice) f3 0 16 -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f4 0 16 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 ;random values and their relative probability f5 0 8 -2 400 500 600 800 f6 0 8 2 .3 .8 .3 .1 """) # --- score add(""" i1 0 10 i2 0 10 4 5 6 """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D09. Random Walk
# ex1D09.py # Random Walk from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- globals add(r""" seed 1 ;change to zero for always changing results ;****SETTINGS FOR PITCHES**** ;define the pitch street in octave notation giLowestPitch = 7 giHighestPitch = 9 ;set pitch startpoint, deviation range and the first direction giStartPitch = 8 gkPitchDev init 0.2 ;random range for next pitch gkPitchDir init 0.1 ;positive = upwards ;****SETTINGS FOR DENSITY**** ;define the maximum and minimum density (notes per second) giLowestDens = 1 giHighestDens = 8 ;set first density giStartDens = 3 ;set possible deviation in range 0..1 ;0 = no deviation at all ;1 = possible deviation is between half and twice the current density gkDensDev init 0.5 ;set direction in the same range 0..1 ;(positive = more dense, shorter notes) gkDensDir init 0.1 """) # --- instruments add(r""" ;****INSTRUMENT FOR RANDOM WALK**** instr walk ;set initial values kPitch init giStartPitch kDens init giStartDens ;trigger impulses according to density kTrig metro kDens ;if the metro ticks if kTrig == 1 then ;1) play current note event "i", "play", 0, 1.5/kDens, kPitch ;2) calculate next pitch ;define boundaries according to direction kLowPchBound = gkPitchDir < 0 ? -gkPitchDev+gkPitchDir : -gkPitchDev kHighPchBound = gkPitchDir > 0 ? gkPitchDev+gkPitchDir : gkPitchDev ;get random value in these boundaries kPchRnd random kLowPchBound, kHighPchBound ;add to current pitch kPitch += kPchRnd ;change direction if maxima are crossed, and report if kPitch > giHighestPitch && gkPitchDir > 0 then gkPitchDir = -gkPitchDir printks " Pitch touched maximum - now moving down.\n", 0 elseif kPitch < giLowestPitch && gkPitchDir < 0 then gkPitchDir = -gkPitchDir printks "Pitch touched minimum - now moving up.\n", 0 endif ;3) calculate next density (= metro frequency) ;define boundaries according to direction kLowDensBound = gkDensDir < 0 ? -gkDensDev+gkDensDir : -gkDensDev kHighDensBound = gkDensDir > 0 ? gkDensDev+gkDensDir : gkDensDev ;get random value in these boundaries kDensRnd random kLowDensBound, kHighDensBound ;get multiplier (so that kDensRnd=1 yields to 2, and kDens=-1 to 1/2) kDensMult = 2 ^ kDensRnd ;multiply with current duration kDens *= kDensMult ;avoid too high values and too low values kDens = kDens > giHighestDens*1.5 ? giHighestDens*1.5 : kDens kDens = kDens < giLowestDens/1.5 ? giLowestDens/1.5 : kDens ;change direction if maxima are crossed if (kDens > giHighestDens && gkDensDir > 0) || (kDens < giLowestDens && gkDensDir < 0) then gkDensDir = -gkDensDir if kDens > giHighestDens then printks " Density touched upper border - now becoming less dense.\n", 0 else printks " Density touched lower border - now becoming more dense.\n", 0 endif endif endif endin ;****INSTRUMENT TO PLAY ONE NOTE**** instr play ;get note as octave and calculate frequency and panning iOct = p4 iFreq = cpsoct(iOct) iPan ntrpol 0, 1, iOct, giLowestPitch, giHighestPitch ;calculate mode filter quality according to duration iQ ntrpol 10, 400, p3, .15, 1.5 ;generate tone and throw out aImp mpulse 1, p3 aMode mode aImp, iFreq, iQ aOut linen aMode, 0, p3, p3/4 aL, aR pan2 aOut, iPan outs aL, aR endin """) tags(2) # --- score add('i "walk" 0 999') tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D08. Markov Music
# ex1D08.py # Markov Music from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- globals add(""" seed 0 ;****DEFINITIONS FOR NOTES**** ;notes as proportions and a base frequency giNotes[] array 1, 9/8, 6/5, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3 giBasFreq = 330 ;probability of notes as markov matrix: ;first -> only to third and fourth ;second -> anywhere without self ;third -> strong probability for repetitions ;fourth -> idem ;fifth -> anywhere without third and fourth ;sixth -> mostly to seventh ;seventh -> mostly to sixth giProbNotes[][] init 7, 7 giProbNotes array 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1 ;****DEFINITIONS FOR DURATIONS**** ;possible durations gkDurs[] array 1, 1/2, 1/3 ;probability of durations as markov matrix: ;first -> anything ;second -> mostly self ;third -> mostly second gkProbDurs[][] init 3, 3 gkProbDurs array 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4 ;****SET FIRST NOTE AND DURATION FOR MARKOV PROCESS**** giPrevNote init 1 gkPrevDur init 1 """) # --- user defined opcodes add(""" ;****USER DEFINED OPCODES FOR MARKOV CHAINS**** opcode Markov, i, i[][]i iMarkovTable[][], iPrevEl xin iRandom random 0, 1 iNextEl = 0 iAccum = iMarkovTable[iPrevEl][iNextEl] until iAccum >= iRandom do iNextEl += 1 iAccum += iMarkovTable[iPrevEl][iNextEl] enduntil xout iNextEl endop opcode Markovk, k, k[][]k kMarkovTable[][], kPrevEl xin kRandom random 0, 1 kNextEl = 0 kAccum = kMarkovTable[kPrevEl][kNextEl] until kAccum >= kRandom do kNextEl += 1 kAccum += kMarkovTable[kPrevEl][kNextEl] enduntil xout kNextEl endop """) # --- instruments add(r""" ;****INSTRUMENT FOR DURATIONS**** instr trigger_note kTrig metro 1/gkDurs[gkPrevDur] if kTrig == 1 then event "i", "select_note", 0, 1 gkPrevDur Markovk gkProbDurs, gkPrevDur endif endin ;****INSTRUMENT FOR PITCHES**** instr select_note ;choose next note according to markov matrix and previous note ;and write it to the global variable for (next) previous note giPrevNote Markov giProbNotes, giPrevNote ;call instr to play this note event_i "i", "play_note", 0, 2, giPrevNote ;turn off this instrument turnoff endin ;****INSTRUMENT TO PERFORM ONE NOTE**** instr play_note ;get note as index in ginotes array and calculate frequency iNote = p4 iFreq = giBasFreq * giNotes[iNote] ;random choice for mode filter quality and panning iQ random 10, 200 iPan random 0.1, .9 ;generate tone and put out aImp mpulse 1, p3 aOut mode aImp, iFreq, iQ aL, aR pan2 aOut, iPan outs aL, aR endin """) tags(2) # --- score add('i "trigger_note" 0 100') tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D07. Markov Basics
# ex1D07.py # Markov Basics from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # score written with python loop rather using r # --- globals add("seed 0") # --- instrument add(r""" instr 1 iLine[] array .2, .5, .3 iVal random 0, 1 iAccum = iLine[0] iIndex = 0 until iAccum >= iVal do iIndex += 1 iAccum += iLine[iIndex] enduntil printf_i "Random number = %.3f, next element = %c!\n", 1, iVal, iIndex+97 endin """) tags(2) # --- score for i in range(10): add("i 1 0 0") tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D06. Scalings
# ex1D06.py # Scalings from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- globals add(""" ;****POSSIBLE DURATIONS AS ARRAY**** giDurs[] array 3/2, 1, 2/3, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 giLenDurs lenarray giDurs ;****POSSIBLE PITCHES AS ARRAY**** ;initialize array with 31 steps giScale[] init 31 giLenScale lenarray giScale ;iterate to fill from 65 hz onwards iStart = 65 iDenom = 3 ;start with 3/2 iCnt = 0 until iCnt = giLenScale do giScale[iCnt] = iStart iStart = iStart * iDenom / (iDenom-1) iDenom += 1 ;next proportion is 4/3 etc iCnt += 1 enduntil ;****SEQUENCE OF UNITS AS ARRAY**** giSequence[] array 0, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 3.6 giSeqIndx = 0 ;startindex """) # --- user opcodes add(""" ;****UDO DEFINITIONS**** opcode linrnd_low, i, iii ;linear random with precedence of lower values iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set counter and initial (absurd) result iCount = 0 iRnd = iMax ;loop and reset iRnd until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iRnd = iUniRnd < iRnd ? iUniRnd : iRnd iCount += 1 enduntil xout iRnd endop opcode linrnd_high, i, iii ;linear random with precedence of higher values iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set counter and initial (absurd) result iCount = 0 iRnd = iMin ;loop and reset iRnd until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iRnd = iUniRnd > iRnd ? iUniRnd : iRnd iCount += 1 enduntil xout iRnd endop opcode trirnd, i, iii iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set a counter and accumulator iCount = 0 iAccum = 0 ;perform loop and accumulate until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iAccum += iUniRnd iCount += 1 enduntil ;get the mean and output iRnd = iAccum / iMaxCount xout iRnd endop """) # --- INSTRUMENTS add(r""" ;****ONE INSTRUMENT TO PERFORM ALL DISTRIBUTIONS**** ;0 = uniform, 1 = linrnd_low, 2 = linrnd_high, 3 = trirnd ;the fractional part denotes the number of units, e.g. ;3.4 = triangular distribution with four sub-units instr notes ;how many notes to be played iHowMany = p4 ;by which distribution with how many units iWhich = giSequence[giSeqIndx] iDistrib = int(iWhich) iUnits = round(frac(iWhich) * 10) ;trigger as many instances of instr play as needed iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 iPrint = 1 ;for each note to be played until iThisNote == iHowMany do ;calculate iMidiPch and iDur depending on type if iDistrib == 0 then printf_i "%s", iPrint, "... uniform distribution:\n" printf_i "%s", iPrint, "EQUAL LIKELINESS OF ALL PITCHES AND DURATIONS\n" iScaleIndx random 0, giLenScale-.0001 ;midi note iDurIndx random 0, giLenDurs-.0001 ;duration elseif iDistrib == 1 then printf_i "... linear low distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "LOWER NOTES AND LONGER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iScaleIndx linrnd_low 0, giLenScale-.0001, iUnits iDurIndx linrnd_low 0, giLenDurs-.0001, iUnits elseif iDistrib == 2 then printf_i "... linear high distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "HIGHER NOTES AND SHORTER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iScaleIndx linrnd_high 0, giLenScale-.0001, iUnits iDurIndx linrnd_high 0, giLenDurs-.0001, iUnits else printf_i "... triangular distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "MEDIUM NOTES AND DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iScaleIndx trirnd 0, giLenScale-.0001, iUnits iDurIndx trirnd 0, giLenDurs-.0001, iUnits endif ;call subinstrument to play note iDur = giDurs[int(iDurIndx)] iPch = giScale[int(iScaleIndx)] event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, iPch ;increase start time and counter iStart += iDur iThisNote += 1 ;avoid continuous printing iPrint = 0 enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;increase index for sequence giSeqIndx += 1 ;call instr again if sequence has not been ended if giSeqIndx < lenarray(giSequence) then event_i "i", "notes", p3, 1, iHowMany ;or exit else event_i "i", "exit", p3, 1 endif endin ;****INSTRUMENTS TO PLAY THE SOUNDS AND EXIT CSOUND**** instr play ;increase duration in random range iDur random p3*2, p3*5 p3 = iDur ;get frequency iFreq = p4 ;generate note with karplus-strong algorithm aPluck pluck .2, iFreq, iFreq, 0, 1 aPluck linen aPluck, 0, p3, p3 ;filter aFilter mode aPluck, iFreq, .1 ;mix aPluck and aFilter according to freq ;(high notes will be filtered more) aMix ntrpol aPluck, aFilter, iFreq, 65, 65*16 ;panning also according to freq ;(low = left, high = right) iPan = (iFreq-65) / (65*16) aL, aR pan2 aMix, iPan outs aL, aR endin instr exit exitnow endin """) tags(2) # --- score add(""" i "notes" 0 1 23 ;set number of notes per instr here e 99999 ;make possible to perform long (exit will be automatically) """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D05. More Linear Triangular Units
# ex1D05.py # More Linear Triangular Units from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # --- globals add(""" ;****SEQUENCE OF UNITS AS ARRAY****/ giSequence[] array 0, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 3.6 giSeqIndx = 0 ;startindex """) # --- user opcodes add(""" ;****UDO DEFINITIONS**** opcode linrnd_low, i, iii ;linear random with precedence of lower values iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set counter and initial (absurd) result iCount = 0 iRnd = iMax ;loop and reset iRnd until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iRnd = iUniRnd < iRnd ? iUniRnd : iRnd iCount += 1 enduntil xout iRnd endop opcode linrnd_high, i, iii ;linear random with precedence of higher values iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set counter and initial (absurd) result iCount = 0 iRnd = iMin ;loop and reset iRnd until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iRnd = iUniRnd > iRnd ? iUniRnd : iRnd iCount += 1 enduntil xout iRnd endop opcode trirnd, i, iii iMin, iMax, iMaxCount xin ;set a counter and accumulator iCount = 0 iAccum = 0 ;perform loop and accumulate until iCount == iMaxCount do iUniRnd random iMin, iMax iAccum += iUniRnd iCount += 1 enduntil ;get the mean and output iRnd = iAccum / iMaxCount xout iRnd endop """) # --- INSTRUMENTS add(r""" ;****ONE INSTRUMENT TO PERFORM ALL DISTRIBUTIONS**** ;0 = uniform, 1 = linrnd_low, 2 = linrnd_high, 3 = trirnd ;the fractional part denotes the number of units, e.g. ;3.4 = triangular distribution with four sub-units instr notes ;how many notes to be played iHowMany = p4 ;by which distribution with how many units iWhich = giSequence[giSeqIndx] iDistrib = int(iWhich) iUnits = round(frac(iWhich) * 10) ;set min and max duration iMinDur = .1 iMaxDur = 2 ;set min and max pitch iMinPch = 36 iMaxPch = 84 ;trigger as many instances of instr play as needed iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 iPrint = 1 ;for each note to be played until iThisNote == iHowMany do ;calculate iMidiPch and iDur depending on type if iDistrib == 0 then printf_i "%s", iPrint, "... uniform distribution:\n" printf_i "%s", iPrint, "EQUAL LIKELIHOOD OF ALL PITCHES AND DURATIONS\n" iMidiPch random iMinPch, iMaxPch ;midi note iDur random iMinDur, iMaxDur ;duration elseif iDistrib == 1 then printf_i "... linear low distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "LOWER NOTES AND LONGER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iMidiPch linrnd_low iMinPch, iMaxPch, iUnits iDur linrnd_high iMinDur, iMaxDur, iUnits elseif iDistrib == 2 then printf_i "... linear high distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "HIGHER NOTES AND SHORTER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iMidiPch linrnd_high iMinPch, iMaxPch, iUnits iDur linrnd_low iMinDur, iMaxDur, iUnits else printf_i "... triangular distribution with %d units:\n", iPrint, iUnits printf_i "%s", iPrint, "MEDIUM NOTES AND DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iMidiPch trirnd iMinPch, iMaxPch, iUnits iDur trirnd iMinDur, iMaxDur, iUnits endif ;call subinstrument to play note event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) ;increase start tim and counter iStart += iDur iThisNote += 1 ;avoid continuous printing iPrint = 0 enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;increase index for sequence giSeqIndx += 1 ;call instr again if sequence has not been ended if giSeqIndx < lenarray(giSequence) then event_i "i", "notes", p3, 1, iHowMany ;or exit else event_i "i", "exit", p3, 1 endif endin ;****INSTRUMENTS TO PLAY THE SOUNDS AND EXIT CSOUND**** instr play ;increase duration in random range iDur random p3, p3*1.5 p3 = iDur ;get midi note and convert to frequency iMidiNote = p4 iFreq cpsmidinn iMidiNote ;generate note with karplus-strong algorithm aPluck pluck .2, iFreq, iFreq, 0, 1 aPluck linen aPluck, 0, p3, p3 ;filter aFilter mode aPluck, iFreq, .1 ;mix aPluck and aFilter according to MidiNote ;(high notes will be filtered more) aMix ntrpol aPluck, aFilter, iMidiNote, 36, 84 ;panning also according to MidiNote ;(low = left, high = right) iPan = (iMidiNote-36) / 48 aL, aR pan2 aMix, iPan outs aL, aR endin instr exit exitnow endin """) tags(2) # --- score add(""" i "notes" 0 1 23 ;set number of notes per instr here e 99999 ;make possible to perform long (exit will be automatically) """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D04. Triangular Random
# ex1D04.py # Triangular Random from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # trirnd opcode defined for TRIANGULAR DISTRIBUTION # only "notes_uniform" instrument called, within score, which calls others add(""" ;****UDO FOR TRIANGULAR DISTRIBUTION**** opcode trirnd, i, ii iMin, iMax xin ;generate two random values with the random opcode iOne random iMin, iMax iTwo random iMin, iMax ;get the mean and output iRnd = (iOne+iTwo) / 2 xout iRnd endop """) add(r""" ;****INSTRUMENTS FOR UNIFORM AND TRIANGULAR DISTRIBUTION**** instr notes_uniform prints "... instr notes_uniform playing:\n" prints "EQUAL LIKELINESS OF ALL PITCHES AND DURATIONS\n" ;how many notes to be played iHowMany = p4 ;trigger as many instances of instr play as needed iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 until iThisNote == iHowMany do iMidiPch random 36, 84 ;midi note iDur random .25, 1.75 ;duration event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) iStart += iDur ;increase start iThisNote += 1 ;increase counter enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;trigger next instrument two seconds after the last note event_i "i", "notes_trirnd", p3, 1, iHowMany endin instr notes_trirnd prints "... instr notes_trirnd playing:\n" prints "MEDIUM NOTES AND DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iHowMany = p4 iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 until iThisNote == iHowMany do iMidiPch trirnd 36, 84 ;medium pitches preferred iDur trirnd .25, 1.75 ;medium durations preferred event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) iStart += iDur iThisNote += 1 enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;call instr to exit csound event_i "i", "exit", p3+1, 1 endin ;****INSTRUMENTS TO PLAY THE SOUNDS AND EXIT CSOUND**** instr play ;increase duration in random range iDur random p3, p3*1.5 p3 = iDur ;get midi note and convert to frequency iMidiNote = p4 iFreq cpsmidinn iMidiNote ;generate note with karplus-strong algorithm aPluck pluck .2, iFreq, iFreq, 0, 1 aPluck linen aPluck, 0, p3, p3 ;filter aFilter mode aPluck, iFreq, .1 ;mix aPluck and aFilter according to MidiNote ;(high notes will be filtered more) aMix ntrpol aPluck, aFilter, iMidiNote, 36, 84 ;panning also according to MidiNote ;(low = left, high = right) iPan = (iMidiNote-36) / 48 aL, aR pan2 aMix, iPan outs aL, aR endin instr exit exitnow endin """) tags(2) add(""" i "notes_uniform" 0 1 23 ;set number of notes per instr here ;instr trirnd will be triggered automatically e 99999 ;make possible to perform long (exit will be automatically) """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
ex1D03. Linear Random
# ex1D03.py # Linear Random from moduleCsound import * tags(1) header(ksmps=32) # new opcodes defined for linrnd_low and linrnd_high # The ouput is 1 i-time variable (xout) # The input is 2 i-time variables (xin) # score only calls "notes_uniform" instrument. # It calls others, and finally "exit". # pluck - karplus strong algorithm add(""" ;****DEFINE OPCODES FOR LINEAR DISTRIBUTION**** opcode linrnd_low, i, ii ; output (1 i value), input(2 i values) ;linear random with precedence of lower values iMin, iMax xin ;generate two random values with the random opcode iOne random iMin, iMax iTwo random iMin, iMax ;compare and get the lower one iRnd = iOne < iTwo ? iOne : iTwo xout iRnd endop opcode linrnd_high, i, ii ;linear random with precedence of higher values iMin, iMax xin ;generate two random values with the random opcode iOne random iMin, iMax iTwo random iMin, iMax ;compare and get the higher one iRnd = iOne > iTwo ? iOne : iTwo xout iRnd endop """) add(r""" ;****INSTRUMENTS FOR THE DIFFERENT DISTRIBUTIONS**** instr notes_uniform prints "... instr notes_uniform playing:\n" prints "EQUAL LIKELINESS OF ALL PITCHES AND DURATIONS\n" ;how many notes to be played iHowMany = p4 ;trigger as many instances of instr play as needed iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 until iThisNote == iHowMany do iMidiPch random 36, 84 ;midi note iDur random .5, 1 ;duration event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) iStart += iDur ;increase start iThisNote += 1 ;increase counter enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;trigger next instrument two seconds after the last note event_i "i", "notes_linrnd_low", p3, 1, iHowMany endin instr notes_linrnd_low prints "... instr notes_linrnd_low playing:\n" prints "LOWER NOTES AND LONGER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iHowMany = p4 iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 until iThisNote == iHowMany do iMidiPch linrnd_low 36, 84 ;lower pitches preferred iDur linrnd_high .5, 1 ;longer durations preferred event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) iStart += iDur iThisNote += 1 enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;trigger next instrument two seconds after the last note event_i "i", "notes_linrnd_high", p3, 1, iHowMany endin instr notes_linrnd_high prints "... instr notes_linrnd_high playing:\n" prints "HIGHER NOTES AND SHORTER DURATIONS PREFERRED\n" iHowMany = p4 iThisNote = 0 iStart = 0 until iThisNote == iHowMany do iMidiPch linrnd_high 36, 84 ;higher pitches preferred iDur linrnd_low .3, 1.2 ;shorter durations preferred event_i "i", "play", iStart, iDur, int(iMidiPch) iStart += iDur iThisNote += 1 enduntil ;reset the duration of this instr to make all events happen p3 = iStart + 2 ;call instr to exit csound event_i "i", "exit", p3+1, 1 endin ;****INSTRUMENTS TO PLAY THE SOUNDS AND TO EXIT CSOUND**** instr play ;increase duration in random range iDur random p3, p3*1.5 p3 = iDur ;get midi note and convert to frequency iMidiNote = p4 iFreq cpsmidinn iMidiNote ;generate note with karplus-strong algorithm aPluck pluck .2, iFreq, iFreq, 0, 1 aPluck linen aPluck, 0, p3, p3 ;filter aFilter mode aPluck, iFreq, .1 ;mix aPluck and aFilter according to MidiNote ;(high notes will be filtered more) aMix ntrpol aPluck, aFilter, iMidiNote, 36, 84 ;panning also according to MidiNote ;(low = left, high = right) iPan = (iMidiNote-36) / 48 aL, aR pan2 aMix, iPan outs aL, aR endin instr exit exitnow endin """) tags(2) add(""" i "notes_uniform" 0 1 23 ;set number of notes per instr here ;instruments linrnd_low and linrnd_high are triggered automatically e 99999 ;make possible to perform long (exit will be automatically) """) tags(3) writeRun(__file__)
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Amplitudes should follow the dB scale and change via the log function. # ex1C01.py # dB vs linear from moduleCsound import * tag...
# ex1D09.py # Random Walk from moduleCsound import * tags( 1 ) header(ksmps =32 ) # --- globals add( r""" seed 1...
# ex2C03.py # Midi All In from moduleCsound import * add(startSyn) add(startOpt) add( "-+rtmidi=virtual -Ma -odac" ) add(...