We can remove the b statement from the score by creating a new placeholder {} in the string for start time, thus format requires 2 values now.
# ex1D12_1.py
# Humanising (Without reseting clock)
from moduleCsound import *
# --- global
add("giWave ftgen 0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1,0,1/4,0,1/16,0,1/64,0,1/256,0,1/1024")
# --- instruments
instr 1 ; an instrument with no 'humanising'
inote = p4
aEnv linen 0.1,0.01,p3,0.01
aSig poscil aEnv,cpsmidinn(inote),giWave
outs aSig,aSig
instr 2 ; an instrument with 'humanising'
inote = p4
; generate some i-time 'static' random paramters
iRndAmp random -3,3 ; amp. will be offset by a random number of decibels
iRndNte random -5,5 ; note will be offset by a random number of cents
; generate some k-rate random functions
kAmpWob rspline -1,1,1,10 ; amplitude 'wobble' (in decibels)
kNteWob rspline -5,5,0.3,10 ; note 'wobble' (in cents)
; calculate final note function (in CPS)
kcps = cpsmidinn(inote+(iRndNte*0.01)+(kNteWob*0.01))
; amplitude envelope (randomisation of attack time)
aEnv linen 0.1*ampdb(iRndAmp+kAmpWob),0.01+rnd(0.03),p3,0.01
aSig poscil aEnv,kcps,giWave
outs aSig,aSig
scr = """
i {} {} 1 60
i . + 2.5 69
i . + 0.5 67
i . + 0.5 65
i . + 0.5 64
i . + 3 62
i . + 1 62
i . + 2.5 70
i . + 0.5 69
i . + 0.5 67
i . + 0.5 65
i . + 3 64
add("t 0 80")
add(scr.format(1, 0))
add(scr.format(2, 17))
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