Tuesday, July 11, 2017

ex1D12. Humanising

Here instrument 1 and instrument 2 is run with same frequencies. But with instrument 2, we add random values for envelope parameters. Rather than using csound macros I use a python string, with placeholder {}. There is also a tempo string and a reset clock; this due to fact that we use same times for second. Of course we could just have added {} for the start time, and added a format variable.

Python is a much better language at string manipulation than csound. It is better to use Python to write scores and only use csound opcodes for instruments. Also Python is much easier to debug.

# ex1D12.py
# Humanising

from moduleCsound import *



# --- global

add("giWave  ftgen  0, 0, 2^10, 10, 1,0,1/4,0,1/16,0,1/64,0,1/256,0,1/1024")

# --- instruments

  instr 1 ; an instrument with no 'humanising'
inote =       p4
aEnv  linen   0.1,0.01,p3,0.01
aSig  poscil  aEnv,cpsmidinn(inote),giWave
      outs    aSig,aSig

  instr 2 ; an instrument with 'humanising'
inote   =       p4

; generate some i-time 'static' random paramters
iRndAmp random -3,3   ; amp. will be offset by a random number of decibels
iRndNte random  -5,5   ; note will be offset by a random number of cents

; generate some k-rate random functions
kAmpWob rspline -1,1,1,10   ; amplitude 'wobble' (in decibels)
kNteWob rspline -5,5,0.3,10 ; note 'wobble' (in cents)

; calculate final note function (in CPS)
kcps    =        cpsmidinn(inote+(iRndNte*0.01)+(kNteWob*0.01))

; amplitude envelope (randomisation of attack time)
aEnv    linen   0.1*ampdb(iRndAmp+kAmpWob),0.01+rnd(0.03),p3,0.01
aSig    poscil  aEnv,kcps,giWave
        outs    aSig,aSig


scr = """
i {} 0 1   60
i .  + 2.5 69
i .  + 0.5 67
i .  + 0.5 65
i .  + 0.5 64
i .  + 3   62
i .  + 1   62
i .  + 2.5 70
i .  + 0.5 69
i .  + 0.5 67
i .  + 0.5 65
i .  + 3   64

add("t 0 80")
add("b 17")



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